Saturday, 22 February 2025

2nd International Conference of Science, Technology, Education and Management (InSTEM 2023) | 5 October 2023

Once the participants receive the confirmation email on abstract acceptance form the organizers, the presenters could prepare their posters using the below guidelines.

Format :
  • Title of the paper, authors, and affiliation
  • InSTEM Poster number (given after abstract acceptance)
  • The poster must be in portrait orientation size A0.
  • Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data).
  • Use high resolution photographs
  • Explanations for each graph, picture, and table

Use easily read type. Suggested minimum font sizes :
  • Title: 36-point type
  • List of authors: 25-point type
  • Body copy should be double-spaced text: 15-point type
  • Choose your colors to provide strong contrast

The contents of the poster should include :

Title, Name of authors and Affiliation, Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendation, References, Acknowledgments, and Funding.

Duration :

Poster presentation must be within a maximum of 5 minutes only.

Judging :

The designated poster presenter (author or co-author) must be present at the assigned space during the designated time to discuss the work presented. Presenters must adhere to the time limit and all criteria as they will be strictly assessed by the judges.

Note :

The poster board number assigned to the poster must be placed for the display and visible until the end of the conference. Double-side tape will be provided. The use of typewritten, handwritten or a printed PowerPoint presentation as a poster is unacceptable. Presentations in these formats will be removed.

Please submit your poster in PDF to the organizers by email prior to the conference.